Black Femme Legal
"extremely helpful"
It Should Be Easy to Fix by Bonnie Robichaud
"astoundingly honest"
The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System, Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness, and Get the Help you Deserve
"incredibly healing"
Let’s Talk About Bullying In Remote Workplaces
"helpfully honest"
Mental Health Assessment
"very informative"
Online Harassment Reporting Tool
"very helpful"
Ready to quit your job? Here are the 17 questions to ask yourself first
"fantastically empowering"
Sexual Harassment in Tech
"unbelievably insightful"
Tarana Burke - An Inspirational interview with the Me Too founder
"transformatively empowering"
Ten Sessions
"bleakly honest"
Gaslighting, from the therapist's eye
"incredibly insightful"
Having a Hard Time
"brutally honest"
How To Know If You're Dealing With Gaslighting At Work
"extremely intelligent"
Jane Willenbring
"really thought-provoking"
7 Signs of Gaslighting at the Workplace
"really validating"
Abuse and Accountability: Martha Nussbaum
"very insightful"
Anger Management Test
"actually educational"
Articles about personal finance from the Hell Yeah Group
"really educational"
Ask Not For Whom The Bell Trolls; It Trolls for Thee
"extremely real"
Assertiveness Test
"very encouraging"
Do You Hear What I Hear?
"terrifyingly insightful"
First Nations Financial Fitness: Your Guide for Getting Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
"tremendously insightful"
What’s Your Money Personality?
"astoundingly revelatory"
When to Call it
"mind-blowingly reassuring"
White Supremacy Culture
"fantastically intelligent"
You Feel Like Shit
"warmly practical"
Therapy for Black Girls: Am I Really Depressed?
"extremely insightful"
Turning Pain into Purpose, Life After Sexual Assault
"really eye-opening"
Unconscionable Ex
"helpfully honest"
Unhealthy Healers
"incredibly therapeutic"
What to expect when you call a helpline/hotline
"remarkably helpful"
The Healing Power Of “Me-Too”
"really insightful"
The missing stair
"actually revelatory"
The Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory Quiz
"incredibly useful"
The Shield of Silence: How Power Perpetuates a Culture of Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace
"disturbingly real"
The Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (Quiz)
"very useful"
Race, Gender and Money
"gratifyingly healing"
Racism and Microaggressions in the Workplace
"extremely honest"
Ratings of Toxic Symptoms (ROTS) Assessment Tool
"frighteningly eye-opening"
Reclaiming MeToo w/ Tarana Burke
"ohso empowering"
Redux: Consent, Part 3
"unbearably eye-opening"
Reflecting On One Very, Very Strange Year At Uber
"frighteningly relatable"
Savvy New Canadians
"helpfully practical"
Self Doubt vs. The Working Woman
"ohso relatable"
Sexual Harassment vs. The Working Woman
"warmly honest"
Sleep Hygiene Test
"actually helpful"
Something Was Wrong true-crime docuseries about the discovery, trauma, and recovery from shocking life events and abusive relationships
"surprisingly mesmerizing"
Stress Test – Self Quiz
"incredibly honest"
The ACES Quiz (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
"seriously predictive"
The Angry Cognitions Scale (Quiz)
"actually useful"
Depression Test
"super helpful"
Finding Your Way Back
"terrifically useful"
Five Women
"bleakly real"
Gaslighting at Work -- And What to Do About It
"helpfully honest"
Harassment and the Service Economy
"disturbingly real"
Hardiness Test
"surprisingly helpful"
Institutional Betrayal and Gaslighting: Why Whistle-Blowers Are So Traumatized
"incredibly eye-opening"
Jorge Lasso - Exploring the intersection of race relations and harassment in the workplace
"extremely eye-opening"
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
"transformatively insightful"
Professionalism as a Racial Construct: An Essay
"incredibly honest"
Queersplaining: Why we whisper
"super real"
21 Ideas For How To Make $300 Fast!
"helpfully honest"
Alienation Test (Quiz)
"kinda eye-opening"
Anxiety Test
"helpfully eye-opening"
Ask A Manager
"incredibly honest"
Bad With Money
"hilariously empowering"
Balanced Black Girl
"mind-blowingly encouraging"
Beating the Erasers
"disturbingly real"
Behind Blue Doors
"very encouraging"
Being Heard and Seen
"astoundingly empowering"
Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting
"hilariously encouraging"
Boundaries Test – Instant Results
"helpfully informative"
Boys Club vs. The Working Woman
"fantastically restorative"
Captain Awkward blog: “My friend group has a case of the Creepy Dude. How do we clear that up?”
"incredibly insightful"